Hots in Maths

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Clear, simple explanations and examples.

Quiz formats makes learning fun and creates healthy group dynamics.

A wide variety of exercises are geared towards mixed-ability classes.

Fast and time-efficient methods accelerate learning and upgrade students by use of peer psychology.

HOTS IN MATH is an excellent resource for the practice and understanding of mathmatical concepts.

A demonstration at the begining of every page and theory at the bottom of each lession makes it easy for the student to brush up each concept by oneself before attempting the questions.

Students at all levels improve in their mathematical abilities.

The questions go beyond simple knowledge of the facts to cover Singapore's heuristics and higher levels of Bloom Taxonomy.

Develops voice intonation, pronounciation, body language and personality.

The unique quiz style presentation along with choices make it easy for a teacher to cover content quickly and efficiently.

A variety of quiz formats make going through the books a lot of fun.
