Home Wonder-me-primary-VI-VIII
Home Wonder-me-primary-VI-VIII
Relating science learning to daily life experiences of children.
Focus on skill / process development
Opportunity for knowledge construction.
Infusion of environmental issues.
Teacher guidelines are easy enough for both children and parents to follow.
Paired and group work encourage helpfulness and teamwork.
Materials used are locally availably or brought in from the home.
Focus is on understanding and going deeper into a topic than rote learning.
A process of perfection ensures learning is real and permanent.
Child-centric: All children get to do the activities, not just a few.
A Teacher & Parent page at the beginning of the book contains a list of all materials needed for that tier of work.
A tier of work is divided into five units of work, each of which takes approximately one week to complete. This serves as a natural planner for the teacher and the taught.
Most units in mathematics integrate a history fact that is followed by questions that relate present knowledge to the past.
Theory is presented in a form that children can follow and apply by themselves.